Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Battling against racial discrimination starts by getting ourselves involved in racial issues and voicing out against racism.

The pervasive issue of racial discrimination continues to afflict communities worldwide, casting a shadow of negativity. The escalating injustice and discrimination have led to a sense of hopelessness in many parts of the world. It is imperative for the advancement of humanity that we actively start confronting and battling against racial discrimination. Our focus must shift towards nurturing positivity and striving for peace, as failure to do so will diminish hope for a better future.

Many individuals have struggled due to racial discrimination and injustice. It is crucial to actively work towards putting an end to these injustices and to become allies in the fight against racial discrimination. Rather than being in need of rescue, people of color deserve to have their voices and experiences acknowledged and respected.

The suffering and pain that these individuals have endured are deeply significant and should not be overlooked.

WHY by Marvin Blake is a story about the culture and the exploitation of Native Americans. It delves into the lives of two sisters, one white and the other black, who both experience turbulent events with regard to battling against racial discrimination.

This book is certainly a must-read for anyone looking through deep diving about racism and slavery. It ignites motivation in us to start exploring more about racial discrimination and its impact. Thus, we can start voicing out against this issue that continues to devour our humanity. Click here to grab your own copy of the book now and be an ally against racism.

Types of Racial Discrimination

According to American Psychological Association, racism is a type of prejudice that results in violence. It involves having negative emotions towards members of a certain group, accepting negative stereotypes, and discriminating against individuals based on their race. Discrimination can take many forms and can be directed at different age, gender, racial, ethnic, religious, national, ability identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic, and other groups at both the individual and institutional/structural levels.

Discrimination represents the outward expression of prejudice and typically entails treating members of rejected groups in a negative, hostile, and harmful manner.

  • Direct discrimination

Direct discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of an individual based on their race, the race of someone with whom they are associated, or the race they are perceived to be.

  • Indirect discrimination

Indirect race discrimination refers to a situation where a particular working practice, policy, or rule is applied universally but ends up putting a person or a specific group at a disadvantage due to their race.

  • Overt bias

This type of racial discrimination occurs when individuals are treated unfairly due to their race and related factors, such as being denied a job opportunity because of overt bias against them.

  • Stereotyping

Stereotyping is the act of assigning the same traits and characteristics to every member of a particular group without considering individual differences. This practice is often associated with inaccuracy, misconceptions, and making false generalizations.

  • Harassment

Racial harassment is a form of discrimination where individuals are subjected to unwelcome and offensive behavior due to their race or ethnicity. This can include the use of racial slurs, derogatory remarks, or other forms of verbal or non-verbal abuse, which can be deeply distressing and degrading for the individuals targeted.

  • Victimization

Victimization is the unfair treatment of an individual due to their involvement in a discrimination or harassment complaint. This mistreatment can take various forms, such as being unfairly labeled as a troublemaker, excluded from important activities, or denied opportunities.

Ways to Battle Against Racism

  • Learn to recognize and understand your own privilege. Use it to dismantle systemic racism and empower others.
  • Examine your own biases to help us work to ensure equality for all. 
  • Support the experiences of others and validate their feelings through serious conversations about race and injustice—this way, we can address the issues.
  • Pay attention to the voices of people who experience racism every day.
  • Educate yourself by engaging in articles, books, documentaries, films and podcasts on issues of racism, discrimination and privilege.
  • Raise awareness by sharing valuable resources with our community to help them learn and be aware. This way, they can recognize their role in ending racism and discrimination.
  • Challenge everyday discrimination and racism by calling out racist jokes and statements.
  • The majority of the time, discrimination happens on social media. It is best to report racist or discriminatory content online. Use social media platforms as a means to empower instead.
  • Join organizations against racial discrimination and injustice to expand opportunities for people of color.
Marvin V. Blake is an acclaimed author known for his thought-provoking novels that delve into complex social and historical themes. His works, such as "Why" and "E. Pluribus Unum," have been praised for their insightful exploration of identity, diversity, and the human experience. Blake's writing captivates readers with well-crafted narratives that challenge conventional perspectives and encourage deeper reflection. With a passion for storytelling and a commitment to addressing important issues, Marvin V. Blake continues to make a significant impact in the literary world.
Marvin Blake

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